VOLUME IX, Number 1 This periodical is indexed in the ATLA Catholic Periodical and Literature Index® (CPLI®), a product of the American Theological Library Association.
I. TESTIMONIALS, REFLECTIONS, REPORTS / TÉMOIGNAGES, RÉFLEXIONS, RAPPORTS 1. Testimonials / Témoignages 2. Reflections / Réflexions Agnes Wilkins, TWO CONVERTS FROM ISLAM TO CHRISTIANITY: Paul Mehmet Mulla-Zadé and Jean-Mohammed Abd-el-Jalil Jacques Scheuer,JULES MONCHANIN ET HENRI LE SAUX : Quelques observations sur leur relation a l'hindouisme Benoît Standaert, NOUVELLE APPROCHE DU QUATRIÈME EVANGILE : L’enjeu inter-ecclésial de son édition et les implications pour le dialogue interreligieux Yann Vagneux, ABHIṢIKTĀNANDA: A PRIESTHOOD IN THE SPIRIT Marie Claire-Denys Horvath, L’ACCOMPLISSEMENT DANS L’EXPERIENCE INTERRELIGIEUSE MONASTIQUE D’HENRI LE SAUX 3. Reports / Comptes-rendus William Skudlarek, A MONASTIC-MUSLIM DIALOGUE ON CONVERSION ANNUAL MEETING OF THE INDIA/SRI LANKA COMMISSION BÉATIFICATION DES MARTYRS D’ALGÉRIE Judith Sutera, BUDDHIST, CHRISTIANS NUNS HOLD DIALOGUE II. STUDIES / ÉTUDES (Peer-reviewed articles / Articles soumis à un examen) III. RESOURCES / RESSOURCES 1. Book reviews / Recensions Raimon Panikkar, CULTURES AND RELIGIONS IN DIALOGUE. Opera Omnia, Volume VI, Part 2: Intercultural and Interreligious Dialogue
Reviewed by William Skudlarek 2. Notice of recent and forthcoming books / Avis de livres récents et à venir Patrick J. Ryan, AMEN: JEWS, CHRISTIANS, AND MUSLIMS KEEP FAITH WITH GOD Harold Kasimow and Alan Race, POPE FRANCIS AND INTERRELIGIOUS DIALOGUE: Religious Thinkers Engage with Recent Papal Initiatives Beverly Lanzetta, THE MONK WITHIN: Embracing a Sacred Way of life Peter Feldmeier, EXPERIMENTS IN BUDDHIST-CHRISTIAN ENCOUNTER: From Buddha Nature to the Divine Nature 3. Documents Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, 2019 年カトリック教会から神の皆さまへの新年のごあいさつ Pope Francis and Ahamad al-Tayyib HUMAN FRATERNITY FOR WORLD PEACE AND LIVING TOGETHER Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, Christians and Muslims: Promoting Universal Fraternity, MESSAGE FOR THE MONTH OF RAMADAN AND ‘ID Al-FITR 1440 H. / 2019 A.D. Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, Buddhists and Christians: Promoting the Dignity and Equal Rights of Women and Girls, MESSAGE FOR THE FEAST VESAK 2019 4 Announcements / Annonces BUDDHA’S DHARMA WITH ST. BENEDICT’S RULE CARMELITE AND CHAN/ZEN INTERFAITH CONFERENCE, AVILA, SPAIN, JULY 2020