VOLUME XII, Number 1 This periodical is indexed in the ATLA Catholic Periodical and Literature Index® (CPLI®), a product of the American Theological Library Association. I. TESTIMONIALS, REFLECTIONS, REPORTS / TÉMOIGNAGES, RÉFLEXIONS, COMPTES-RENDUS 1. Testimonials / Témoignages Daniel Pont, Thich Nhat Hahn et le DIM français James Wiseman, Sister Pascaline Coff OSB (1927-2021) Alberto Cozzi, The Contemplative Dimension of Life Maria De Giorgi, Meditation: New Spaces for Our Path of Dialogue
3. Reports / Comptes-rendus Anselmo Park, Meeting of the Commission of Inter-monastic Dialogue in Korea Matteo Nicolini-Zani, Interreligious Seminar on the Contemplative Dimension of Life William Skudlarek, Plenary Session of the Dicastery for Interreligious Dialogue 1. Book reviews / Recensions Martin McGee, The Certainty of Being Loved: Pierre Claverie OP (1938-1996)
Reviewed by Rita George-Tvrtković John R. Dupuche, The Rivers of Paradise: A Spiritual Autobiography Uniting Eastern and Western Traditions
Reviewed by Bettina Sharada Bäumer Anabel Laity, Mindfulness: Walking with Jesus and Buddha
Reviewed by Maria Rafael Bartlett Leo D. Lefebure, Transforming Interreligious Relations: Catholic Responses to Religious Pluralism in the United States Nadim Ghodbane, Dictionnaire du Soufisme : Un remède aux maux d'aujourd'hui Yann Vagnuex, Portraits Indiens: Huit chrétiens à la rencontre de l’hindouisme Armelle Dutruc, Des profondeurs de l’être : Marie-Magdeleine Davy, Itinéraire d’une philosophe absolue Catherine Cornille, Meaning and Method in Comparative Theology Catherine Cornille, ed., Atonement and Comparative Theology. The Cross in Dialogue with Other Religions Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue PRO DIALOGO 168 (LVI) 2021/2 PRO DIALOGO 170 (LVII) 2022/1 Message on the occasion of the Buddhist Fest of Vesakh/Hanamatsuri 2022 (1st May 2022)[English, French, Italian] Message for the month of Ramadan and ‘Id al-Fitr 1443 H. / 2022 A.D. (8 April 2022)[Arabic, English, French, Italian, Portuguese] Press Release of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue on the occasion of the Second International Day of Human Fraternity [4 February 2022] (3 February 2022) Sr Pascaline Coff OSB (1927-2021)
4. Resources
Marie-Hélène Naud, EXHIBITION : Un trésor bien gardé, les femmes et la mystique (A Well-Kept Treasure, Women and Mysticism) 2nd WORLD ENCOUNTER TERESIAN MYSTICISM AND INTERRELIGIOUS DIALOGUE III INTERNATIONAL AWARD TERESA OF AVILA AND INTERRELIGIOUS DIALOGUE (Ávila, Spain, July 2022). |