An Atlas of Benedictine monasteries of men and women throughout the world.
Order of Cistercians of the Common Observance
The Cistercian Order, which has its origin in the monastic community (Archcenobium) of Cîteaux, is composed of monastic congregations and monasteries not belonging to the Congregations, which are united in it.
Trappist / Trappistine
The Order of Cistercians of the Strict Observance (also known as “Trappists”) is a Roman Catholic contemplative religious order, consisting of monasteries of monks and monasteries of nuns. We are part of the larger Cistercian family which traces its origin to 1098.
Monastero de Bose
Una comunità ecumenica monastica fondata da Enzo Bianchi.
Deir Mar Musa
The website of a Christian monastery in the Syrian desert devoted to work, prayer, and Islamic-Christian dialogue.