Christian Organizations/ Organisations chrétiennes
Attached Document or FileAlliance Inter-Monastères / Alliance for International Monasticism  Serves monastic communities of the Benedictine tradition throughout the world to build up relationships between the monasteries of Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe and Oceania.

Attached Document or FileThe Duncan Black McDonald Center  The Macdonald Center is a research center within Hartford International University dedicated to scholarly research, education, publication, and communication in the areas of the study of Islam and Christian-Muslim relations.

Attached Document or FileEast-West Contemplative Dialogue  Fosters dialogue between the Christian mystical tradition and Eastern forms of meditation and enlightenment. Offers numerous on-line resources, including complete books and video transcripts.

Attached Document or FileThe Empty Bell  Dedicated to learning about the history and practice of the Christian contemplative way as rooted in the Gospels, and to exploring its common ground with other ancient Wisdom teachings. Special attention is given to the Christian-Buddhist dialogue, to artistic expression of spiritual insight, and to the relationship between spirituality and stewardship of the bio-diverse natural world.

Attached Document or FileGraymore Ecumenical and Interreligious Institute  As a ministry of the Franciscan Friars of the Atonement, the Mission of Graymoor Ecumenical & Interreligious Institute is to promote Christian unity and interreligious dialogue in North America.

Attached Document or FileMercy Center Burlingame California  The Meditation program at Mercy Center, was founded by Father Thomas Hand, SJ, who combined Ignatian meditation/Christian contemplation with his studies of Zen meditation. The special characteristics of the program have always been its Christian foundation and influence from the East.

Attached Document or FileNanzan Institute for Religion and Culture  The Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture was founded in 1976 and incorporated into Nanzan University in 1979. Through its symposia, colloquia, research projects, and a wide array of publications, the community of scholars that make up the Institute is dedicated to promoting dialogue among religions, philosophies, and cultures East and West. Its ample facilities and resource materials continue to attract scholars young and old from within Japan and around the world.

Attached Document or FileOasis  Nata nel 2004 come Centro internazionale di studi e ricerche da un'intuizione del Cardinal Angelo Scola, e costituitasi nel 2009 in Fondazione, Oasis è una rete internazionale di rapporti che promuove la conoscenza e l'incontro tra cristiani e musulmani.

Attached Document or FilePaulist Office for Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations  The Paulist Office for Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations serves as a concrete expression of the Paulist Community's commitment to work for unity among the followers of Christ (Ecumenism) and to build bridges of understanding, respect, and collaboration with members of other world religions (Interfaith Relations).

Attached Document or FileDicastery for Interreligious Dialogue  The special department of the Curia of the Roman Catholic Church for relations with the people of other religions. Instituted by Pope Paul IV on Pentecost Sunday, 1964, it was known for its first 24 years as the Secretariat for Non Christians.

Attached Document or FileScarboro Missions  A helpful website from a Catholic religious order that regards interreligious dialogue as central to its mission.

Attached Document or FileWCC Interreligious Relations Dialogue and Cooperation  WCC attempts to strengthen interreligious trust and respect through bilateral and multilateral dialogues, and through regional and cross-cultural encounters on topics like religion and violence, perceptions of "the other," and the search for identity in pluralistic societies.

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