Editorial Board
Comité de Rédaction
Pierre-François de Béthune OSB
Editor / Rédacteur en chef Père Pierre de Béthune est né en 1936 à Marke, Belgique. Moine en 1955. Huit ans au Congo. Prieur du monastère de Clerlande de 1989 à 2005. Cinq séjours au Japon, dans les monastères zen. Responsable du DIMMID de 1985 à 2007; consulteur au CPDI de 1985 à 2001. Éditeur du Bulletin des commissions DIMMID de 1995 à 2010. A écrit, entre autres, L'Hospitalité sacrée entre les religions, qui a été traduit en anglais. pdb@clerlande.com
William Skudlarek OSB
Associate editor / Rédacteur en chef adjoint Born in Avon, Minnesota, in 1939, Father William Skudlarek has been a monk of Saint John’s Abbey, Collegeville, Minnesota since 1958. He earned a doctorate in Homiletics and Liturgics from Princeton Theological Seminary and was a professor and administrator in the School of Theology of Saint John’s University. He engaged in pastoral ministry in Brazil from 1985 to 1990 and was a member of Saint John’s priory in Fujimi, Japan, from 1994 to 2001, during which time he began the practice of zazen with the Sanbō Kyōdan. He was Secretary General of DIMMID from 2007 to 2024. wskudlarek@csbsju.edu
Bettina Bäumer, Ph.D., Dr. theol. h.c.
Dr. Bettina Bäumer was born in Austria in 1940. After completing her Ph.D. she settled in Varanasi, India, in 1967. She is Professor of Religious Studies at the University of Vienna (occasional teaching), Director of two research institutes in Varanasi, and Fellow, Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla. From 1988-2007 she was President of the Abhishiktananda Society. Her special fields of research and publication are Indian philosophy, especially Kashmir Shaivism, Indian aesthetics, religious traditions and temple art of Orissa, and interreligious dialogue, especially Hindu-Christian dialogue. She had a close association with Swami Abhishiktananda and Prof. Raimon Panikkar. bettinabaeumer@yahoo.com
Daniel Pont OSB
Frère Daniel Pont OSB est né en France en 1952. Moine depuis 1980, il a vécu sept ans à Jérusalem. Prieur du monastère d’En Calcat, il a fait plusieurs séjours en Inde, et au Japon dans les monastères zen. Il fut coordinateur du DIM France, puis coordinateur des commissions du DIMMID européen depuis 2005. Il a été élu président du DIMMID en 2010. dim@encalcat.com
Fabrice Blée PhD
Dr. Fabrice Blée est professeur agrégé à la Faculté de Théologie de l'Université de Saint Paul, à Ottawa, où il enseigne dans les domaines du dialogue entre les religions et la spiritualité chrétienne. Il est directeur de la collection "Spiritualités en dialogue" (Editions Médiaspaul), où il publia lui-même Le Désert de l'altérité (2004), un travail sur le dialogue interreligieux monastique qui a été traduit en italien et en anglais. Il agit à titre de conseiller auprès du Conseil d'administration de la Commission nord-américaine pour le Dialogue Interreligieux Monastique. fblee@hotmail.com
James Wiseman OSB
James Wiseman OSB is abbot of Saint Anselm’s Abbey in Washington, DC, teaches theology at the Abbey School, and was on the theological faculty of the Catholic University of America for twenty-seven years. He served as Chair of the Board and President of the North American commission for Monastic Interreligious Dialogue (MID), was editor of the MID bulletin from 1998 to 2011, and serves as a member of the Board of Directors of MID. jameswiseman@verizon.net
Judith Sutera OSB
Sister Judith Sutera is a member of the Benedictine monastery of Mount St. Scholastica in Atchison, Kansas. She has master's degrees in counseling and monastic spirituality and uses these in writing and retreat work. She is also editor of the American Monastic Newsletter and Magistra, a journal of women's spirituality in history. jsutera@mountosb.org
Paolo Trianni PhD
Nato a Pisa nel 1968, Paolo Trianni è Professore incaricato all’Istituto di Studi Interdisciplinari su Religioni e Culture della Pontificia Università Gregoriana e al Pontificio Ateneo Sant’Anselmodi Roma, è autore di svariati libri ed articoli che hanno per tema il confronto metafisico e teologico con le culture religiose dell’India. Si è occupato, in particolare, di Lanza del Vasto, Henri Le Saux, Teilhard de Chardin, Bede Griffiths e Jules Monchanin. Collaboratore del Master in Storia del pensiero teologico del Dipartimento di Ricerche filosofiche dell’Università Tor Vergata, è nella redazione della rivista Uni-versum. p.trianni@mondodomani.org
Vincent Sekhar SJ
After serving 6-years as Executive Director and Dean of Research at the Institute of Dialogue with Cultures and Religions Loyola College in Chennai, India, Vincent Sekhar SJ is now Associate Professor in the Dept of Philosophy in Arul Anandar College, Karumathur, Madurai Dt., his alma mater. In 2013, he was reappointed Secretary to the Jesuit Secretariat for Dialogue in the South Asian Assistancy after having served in that position from 2000-2007. As an Indian Christian, he was the first to receive a doctoral degree in Jain philosophy and religion and helps Vatican in the consultation on Christian-Jain dialogue. Sekhar has a number of books and articles on interreligious relations to his credit. sekharsj2010@gmail.com |