Dilatato Corde 4:1
January - June, 2014

Annual Meeting of Benedictine Interreligious Dialogue (India-Sri Lanka)

The annual meeting of Benedictine Interreligious Dialogue (BID), the DIMMID Commission for India and Sri Lanka, was conducted on 5 February 2014 at the Vallombrosan monastery in Mariamala, Kaduthuruthy. The theme of the meeting was Spiritual Leadership. Fr. George Nelliyanil OSB, the co-ordinator of BID welcomed the resource persons and the delegates. In the first session Mr. Vijayakumar, the manager of Vaisya bank, Kochi, enlightened the delegates on Spiritual leadership in Hinduism. He emphasised the points of God’s call and plan in the life of each spiritual leader. The main duty of spiritual leaders is to lead their followers to God. Fr George was the moderator for the session. In the second session moderated by Fr. Tomy from Asirvanam, Dr. Abdulla Manham, Rector of Al jamia-al Kerala, Malappuram, was the resorce person. He too stressed the point that, unless one receives the call and guidance from God, no one can become the leaders. He continued saying the aim of spiritual leaders should be positive and encouraging. They should not live for themselves but for others. Leaders must show God in their words and deeds. Time for asking questions from delegates was given and the speakers clarified the doubts. Fr. Vincent Korandiyarkunnel OSB, President of the Indian-Sri Lankan Benedictine Federation, distributed mementos to the guests of the day.

On 6 February 2014, Fr. Ajeesh Kunjarakattu OSB was elected as the new Co-ordinator of BID and Sr. Vinaya OSB elected as the new secretary of BID.

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