THE POWER OF SILENCE: Fifty Meditations to Discover the Divine Space in You
Sebastian Painadath SJ
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This book is the fruit of the retreats and seminars the author has given over the last thirty years in India, Europe, and East Asian countries. Using some of the Indian methods of meditation the author shows how one can deepen Christian spirituality. There are ten sets of meditations each based on a classical mystical text or an archetypal symbol. Theological reflections are given for each meditation and practical guidelines as well. Texts of non-Christian scriptures are quoted to show how a deeper  level of dialogue is possible at the level of spirituality. The sun-prayer given  at the end of the book is a meditative form of the yogic suryanamaskar.

"If you want to know what Asian spirituality is, here is the book for you."
(Michael Amaladoss, Review in Jivan)

Publishing information:
ISPCK, Kashmere Gate, Delhi, 2009.
Claretian Publications, Quezon City, Philippines,2010.
180 pages, paperback. (10 US Dollars)
Sebastian Painadath is an Indian Jesuit. After his theological studies in Germany he founded Sameeksha Ashram in 1986. The ashram, located in Kalady, South India, promotes interreligious dialogue at the level of spirituality. He gives dialogue seminars and contemplative retreats regularly In Germany and East Asian Countries as well as in India. He has published ten books on spirituality and interreligious dialogue.

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