Catholic Documents / Documents catholiques
Attached Document or FileNostra Aetate  The Second Vatican Council's Declaration on the Relation of the Church to Non-Christian Religions (1965).

Attached Document or FileThe Attitude of the Church toward Followers of Other Relgions  To foster the work of dialogue, Pope Paul VI set up in 1964 the Secretariat for Non-Christians, subsequently renamed the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue. Following its Plenary Assembly of 1984, the Secretariat issued a document entitled "The Attitude of the Church Towards the Followers of Other Religions: Reflections and Orientations on Dialogue and Mission." This document states that the evangelizing mission of the Church is a "single but complex and articulated reality." (NOTE: This document is available only in Portuguese on the Vatican website.)

Attached Document or FileContemplation and Interreligious Dialogue  This document is the result of a collaboration of the DIM (European) and MID (American) Commissions. A questionnaire had been put out in 1991. The numerous responses, which came from seven countries, were considered by a small group. Fr. Pierre de Bethune then drew up a text which was discussed at length during the annual meeting of DIM in June 1993. This was submitted to several specialists and finally reviewed by the members of DIM in August 1993. This English translation appeared in the Bulletin of North American Commission for Monastic Interreligious Dialogue 49 (January 1994), pp.12-19.

Attached Document or FilePastoral Attention to Traditional Religions  A 1993 letter from the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue to to the Presidents of Episcopal Conferences in Asia, the Americas and Oceania.

Attached Document or FileMonastic Experiences of Interreligious Dialogue  Forty-three reflections on monastic interreligious dialogue that were published in both the European and North American editions of the Bulletin in 2003to commemorate the twenty-fifth anniversary of the establishment of European and North American commissions for monastic interreligious dialogue,
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