Pierre-François de Béthune OSB

Interreligious Hospitality is an enlightening account of one Catholic monk's search for God through dialogue with another religious tradition. Interreligious dialogue will sometimes involve discussions about doctrine, sometimes promote joint action for the common good. But ultimately it is about hospitality: accepting the invitation of others to experience their spiritual practices and welcoming others to experience ours. Pierre de Béthune's engaging description of learning the "way of tea" and of living in a Japanese Zen monastery, along with his probing reflections on the meaning of those experiences, shows how the dialogue of religious experience can lead Christians to a deepened faith and a more intense and rewarding spiritual life.

Pierre-François de Béthune, OSB, served as Secretary General of all the regional commissions of Dialogue Interreligieux Monastique/Monastic Interreligious Dialogue (DIM/MID) from 1992 to 2007 and continues as editor of the International Bulletin. He is a monk of the monastery of Saint-André de Clerlande in Belgium. His previous books include By Faith and Hospitality: The Monastic Tradition as a Model for Interreligious Encounter.

Collegeville, Minnesota: Liturgical Press, 2010. Also available as an e-book.

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