Dilatato Corde 1:1
January – June, 2011 INTERVIEW WITH MURRAY ROGERS: The Rev. Murray Rogers, an Anglican priest, and his wife Mary went to India as missionaries in 1946. In 1954 they established the ecumenical ashram of Jyotiniketan in Uttar Pradesh. It was there that Abhishiktananda met them in 1959. They soon became close friends, and Rogers played an important role in the publication of several of Abhishiktananda’s works. Dr. Christian Hackbarth-Johnson, a German theologian who wrote his doctoral dissertation on Abhishiktananda, interviewed Murray Rogers on July 17 and 18, 2006, three months prior to his death on October 17 at the age of 89. The interview was made possible by Shirley Du Boulay, writer and author of The Cave of the Heart. The Life of Swami Abhishiktananda. The interview was conducted for a projected documentary that was never made. It can now be viewed here. In addition, the transcript of the interview is provided. An obituary of Rogers from The Times can be found on-line (accessed January 15, 2011). An article entitled “The Priest and the Swami” by Shirley Du Boulay for The Tablet can also be found on-line (accessed January 15, 2011). |