VOLUME XII, Number 2
July - December 2022

This periodical is indexed in the ATLA Catholic Periodical and Literature Index® (CPLI®), a product of the American Theological Library Association. 
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1. Testimonials / Témoignages 

2. Reflections / Réflexions 

Daniel Pont, Il était une fois, Toumliline
Retrouver la mémoire et étendre l'héritage d'un monastère au Maroc qui a été fondé par l'abbaye d'Encalcat en 1956 et qui, en l'espace d'une décennie, est devenu un centre exceptionnel d'harmonie et de coopération interreligieuse.

English Translation, Once up a Time, there was a Monastery called Toumliline
Recovering the memory and extending the legacy of a monastery in Morocco that was founded by the abbey of Encalcat in 1956 and that, over the span of a decade, became an outstanding center of interreligious harmony and cooperation.

Yann Vagneux, As a Flash of Lightning
Reflections on the Resurrection of Christ and the sacrament of the Eucharist in the light of the Upaniṣad, whose unique beauty is to communicate spiritual experience to us in its purest form.

Pierre de Béthune, Une expérience d’hospitalité : Les échanges spirituels entre moines chrétiens et bouddhistes zen
La rencontre interreligieuse est juste et féconde quand elle est une hospitalité réciproque.

English Translation, An Experience of Hospitality: Spiritual Exchanges between Christian and Zen Buddhist Monks
Interreligious encounter is genuine and fruitful when it involves reciprocal hospitality.


3. Reports / Comptes-rendus

Matteo Nicolin-Zani, Riunione annuale della Commissione italiana del DIM•MID

Marie-Claire-Denys HORVATH, « Mouvement et immobilité » 6ème rencontre interreligieuse de Ronchamp – France 

The Newsletter of Monastic Interreligious Dialogue (MID) in Great Britain and Ireland.

No. 1 Spring 2021; No. 2 Autumn 2021; No. 3 Spring 2022

A brief report of the commission's ninth meeting.


II. STUDIES / ÉTUDES (Peer-reviewed articles / Articles soumis à un examen)

Matteo Nicolini-Zani, A Paradoxical Detachment: The Resonance of Early Christian Monastic Witness with Dōgen’s Zen Vision of shukke

This article explores some consonances between the concept of fuga mundi that characterizes Christian monasticism and the Zen Buddhist view of "abandonment of the world" (shukke 出家) elaborated by Dōgen.



1Book reviews / Recensions


2. Notice of recent and forthcoming books / Avis de livres récents et à venir

Henri Le Saux/Thérèse de Lisieux, Le Swami et la Carmélite I, L’appel de l’Inde. Correspondence 1959-1958
Préface et notes de Yann Vagneux
Cliquez ici pour une vidéo de la présentation du livre par le Père Vagneux à La Procure, une très connue librairie chrétienne à Paris.

Thierry-Marie Coureau, Le salut comme dia-logue. De saint Paul VI à François

Thierry-Marie Coureau, Le dialogue des rationalités culturelles et religieuses

Yann Vagneux, Chemins de prière

Thomas Albert Howard, The Faiths of Others: A History of Interreligious Dialogue

Jijimon Alakkalam Joseph SVD, Christian – Zen Dialogue: Sacred Stories as a Starting Point for Interfaith Dialogue

Karsten Lehmann, ed., Talking Dialogue: Eleven Episodes in the History of the Modern Interreligious Dialogue Movement
Volume 2 in the series KAICIID – Beyond Dialogue Series


3. Documents

Dicastery for Interreligious Dialogue, Message to the Hindus on the Feast of Deepavali 2022 (17 October 2022)

Dicastery for Interreligious Dialogue, Message for Guru Nanak Prakash Diwas, 2022
Christians and Sikhs: Promoting Inter-Religious Solidarity for the Common Good
English Punjabi


4. Resources 

Claudio Monge, OP, Il dialogo interreligioso: Le ragioni e i percorsi – L’ospitalità [codice d’accesso: 1%XD7les]

Webinar di formazione per consacrate (suore e monache) promosso da USMI (Unione Superiore Maggiori d’Italia) e DIM Italia (26 ottobre 2022)

Seminario su La dimensione contemplativa della vita. La meditazione nella tradizione buddhista, cristiana e induista” che si è tenuto il 7 maggio 2022 a Roma. VIDEO 
Cliccare sull'icona in alto a destra del video dell'introduzione di Fra Matteo per avere un elenco di tutte le presentazioni

 Kabir Saheb: A Weaver of Religious Harmony
Yann Vagneux, a priest of the Paris Foreign Missions Society, in conversation with his friend Umesh, monk of the tradition of Kabir, the great Saint of Varanasi.

5. Announcements / Annonces

October 2-4, 2022. Registration for the conference is free and open to the public. All the presentations will be Zoomed live and also recorded.


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