January - June 2023

This periodical is indexed in the ATLA Catholic Periodical and Literature Index® (CPLI®), a product of the American Theological Library Association. 
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1. Testimonials / Témoignage

2. Reflections / Réflexions  

Nathanaël de Condinguy, Népal 2022 : un bénédictin dans les pas d’un MEP
La force du pèlerin est de se mettre sans cesse en route, aiguillé par le désir d’un ailleurs autre, plus grand, plus loin, plus haut, vers quelqu’un ou quelque chose qui, en définitive, se dérobera toujours à sa quête, à sa marche au moment même où il croira toucher au but. 

Bettina Sharada Bäumer, Raimon Panikkar, Bridgebuilder between Cultures and Religions
Video of a lecture given at Maitri Bhavan, Varanasi, on February 12, 2023

Jonathan Trude, The Overtones: On Buddhists and Benedictines
A student volunteer at Sant'Anselmo reflects of the presence of two Buddhist monks who spent several months there, sponsored by the Nostra Aetate Foundation of the Dicastery for Interreligious Dialogue

3. Reports / Comptes-rendus

Bradley Malkovsky, Conference on the Perennial Philosophy
Report on a international conference held at the University of Notre Dame (USA), October 2-4, 2022 

Dicastery for Interreligious Dialogue, Report on the  Plenary Assembly, held 6-8 June 2022, on the theme “Dialogue and Conviviality.”
The report is available in English, French, Italian, and Spanish

Dicastery for Interreligious Dialogue, "Women building a culture of encounter interreligiously”
Report on an interreligious conference about women in dialogue with a focus on listening to the insights and experiences of women themselves. Also available in French.

II. STUDIES / ÉTUDES (Peer-reviewed articles / Articles soumis à un examen)


1Book reviews / Recensions

Lucien MillerJesus in the Hands of Buddha: The Life and Legacy of Shigeto Vincent Oshida, OP
Reviewed by Donald Mitchell

2. Notice of recent and forthcoming books / Avis de livres récents et à venir

Le Swami et la Carmélite. I – L’appel de l’IndeCorrespondance Henri Le Saux – Thérèse de Jésus 1959-1968. Préface et notes de Yann Vagneux

Ernst Fuerlinger, Handwerker der Hoffnung: Papst Franziskus und der interreligiöse Dialog 

Gregory K. Hillis, Man of Dialogue: Thomas Merton's Catholic Vision

Thomas Albert Howard, The Faiths of Others: A History of Interreligious Dialogue

Salih Sayilgan, Exploring Islam: Theology and Spiritual Practice in America

Peter Feldmeier, Wisdom from the World's Religions : A Guide to Basic Human Questions

3.Notice of articles appearing in other reviews / Avis sur les articles parus dans d'autres revues

Isaac Portilla, Interfaith Dialogue and Mystical Consciousness
This article focuses on the meeting of faith traditions from the perspective of mystical consciousness. The inquiry is located within the context of representatives of Hindu mystical consciousness (Sri Ramana Maharshi, Sri Aurobindo) and the Christian interfaith tradition (Henri Le Saux, Bede Griffiths, David Steindl-Rast)
It was published in the Harvard Theological Review (October 2022) and is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license.

 4. Documents

Dicastery for Interreligious Dialogue, Christians and Shinto Followers Praying for a Peaceful Society
Message to followers of Shinto at the New Year 2023

Dicastery for Interreligious Dialogue,  Pro Dialogo Vol. 171 (2020/2)
Teachings and Discourses of His Holiness Francis

Dicastery for Interreligious Dialogue, Pro Dialogo 172 LVII (2022-3) 
Ordinary activities of the Dicastery for the year 2022.

Dicastery for Interreligious Dialogue, Message for the Month of Ramadan and ‘Id Al-Fitr 1444 H. / 2023 A.D. 
Christians and Muslims: Promoters of Love and Friendship

 Dicastery for Interreligious Dialogue, Message for Mahavir Janma Kalyanak Diwas 2023
Christians and Jains: In solidarity with suffering humanity

5. Resources 

6. Announcements / Annonces

RIP Prasanna Devi
Sister Prasana Devi, regarded as the first Indian Catholic woman hermit, died on February 27, 2023.




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