Kristin Johnston Largen
A work of comparative theology that brings into conversation the stories of the infancy and youth of Jesus with those of Krishna in the Hindu tradition to show what Christians can learn about God and God’s saving nature by exploring these two different traditions. Largen recounts the infancy stories, first of Krishna and then of Jesus, and then describes the role each plays as savior for the faithful of that tradition.

Baby Krishna, Infant Christ explores the playfulness of the young Krishna and compares Krishna’s early years with those of Jesus, as described in such noncanonical writings as the Gospel of Thomas. Through this comparison Largen demonstrates the unique role of Jesus’ nature as both human and divine in the Christian understanding of salvation.

Kristin Johnston Largen is associate professor of systematic theology at the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. An ordained Lutheran pastor, she is currently the editor of Dialog, an academic journal focused on interreligious dialogue and comparative theology. She is the author of What Christians Can Learn from Buddhism: Rethinking Salvation (Fortress, 2009).
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