VOLUME XIV, Number 2
July - December 2024

This periodical is indexed in the ATLA Catholic Periodical and Literature Index® (CPLI®), a product of the American Theological Library Association. 
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1. Testimonials / Témoignages 

2. Reflections / Réflexions 

Thomas Yūhō Kirchner, What Might Christianity Have to Offer Zen?
The Christian concept of grace and the insights of Christianity on the Dark Night of the Soul would be valuable additions to the body of knowledge every serious Zen student should possess.

3. Reports / Comptes-rendus  

Monastic Interreligious Dialogue in Korea, Meeting of May 27-28, 2024
The report on the meeting comes after the list of participants and the schedule.

William Skudlarek, Report to the Congress of Abbots, September 18, 2024
The report concludes with Fr. Cyprian Consiglio's introduction of himself as the incoming Secretary General of DIM•MID.

James Wiseman, Tibetan Buddhism and Carmelite Spirituality
The third world encounter on Teresian mysticism and interreligious dialogue

II. STUDIES / ÉTUDES (Peer-reviewed articles / Articles soumis à un examen)


1Book reviews / Recensions 

2. Notice of recent and forthcoming books / Avis de livres récents et à venir

Anthony KalliathBeing Christian - Being Missional

Bede Griffith, Return to the Center: The Discovery of India
Introduction by Cyprian Consiglio

Antonio Sison, Deep Inculturation: Global Voices on Christian Faith and Indigenous Genius

Perry Schmidt-Leukel, The Celestial Web: Buddhism and Christianity - A Different Comparison

3. Documents

Dicastery for Interreligious Dialogue, Pro Dialogo, 176  (LIX)  2024/1
Dialogue & Mission: 40th Anniversary (1984-2024) Reflections and Orientations

aim USA, Interreligious Dialogue: A Path to Unity
                Dialogue Interreligieux: Un chemin vers l'uinité
The Summer 2024 newsletter of the United States Secretariat of the Alliance for International Monasticism is devoted to interreligious dialogue.

Dicastery for Interreligious Dialogue, Message for the Feast of Deepavali 2024
Hindus and Christians: Promoting harmony amidst diversity and despite differences

4. Resources

5. Announcements / Annonces

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